Wednesday, June 4, 2008

All the Sounds Seemed to Be Sleeping....

All the sounds seemed to be sleeping, or afraid to ring out. Early in the morning or late in the evening, the slow exhalations of foghorns could be heard, exchanging warning signals off in the distance and announcing the presence of boats. They sounded like the plaintive cries of helpless animals. Yes, fog was present in abundance. And then, now and again, there would be yet another beautiful day. And there were days, truly autumnal days, neither beautiful nor desolate, neither particularly agreeable nor particularly gloomy, days that were neither sunny nor dark but rather remained consistently light and dark from morning to dusk, so that four in the afternoon presented just the same vision of the world as eleven in the morning, everything was quiet and pale gold and faintly mournful, the colors withdrew into themselves as if dreaming worried dreams.


~ Text: from
The Assistant by Robert Walser