Fig. 715 - A field of faint nebulae. Between each pair of white lines on the original plate from which this picture is reproduced, can be detected a faint smudge - all that can be seen of galaxies at the extreme limit of our observation. (L. Rudaux, Larousse, 1949)

Float from the borders of the main.
The vast of heaven stung with brilliant stars.
The million sorts of unaccounted motes
There is no parting or bare interstice
Where the stint compass of a skylark's wings
Would not put out some tiny golden centre.
Stars waving their indivisible rays.
A star most spiritual, principal, preeminint
Of all the golden press.
Or ever the early stirrings of the skylark
Might cover the neighbor downs with a span of singing...
~ Text: Gerard Manley Hopkins, fragments on stars, from the journals, September to December 1864